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Must-Know Factors to Consider When Installing Outdoor Lighting Fixtures

Outdoor lighting has gained popularity among most American families. Apart from its aesthetic value, an outdoor lighting fixture improves the security and safety of your property. A recent publication from the Department of Energy shows that the Average American households spend between five and 10% of their budget on lighting.
Outdoor lighting fixtures are not your ordinary bulbs. Read on to learn more about installing exterior lighting.
Durability and Rating
Durability is among the important factors to consider when choosing an outdoor lighting fixture. Unlike indoor lighting systems, weather patterns such as rain, wind and cold can take a toll on exterior systems. Look for a lighting fixture that can withstand harsh weather elements.
When choosing the perfect lighting fixture for your outdoor areas, the Underwriters Laboratories (UL) rating is one of the crucial factors to consider. Each fixture carries a specific rating that will guide you in the installation process.
The three most common ratings are UL dry, UL wet, and UL damp. UL damp and wet indicates that the fixture is suitable for outdoor installation. If you are to choose between these two, the wet-rated lighting fixture will be the best option because it can tolerate most extreme weather patterns.
Damp-rated fixtures are ideal for outdoor locations with minimal exposure to snow, rain, and water. Dry-rated lighting systems are only suitable for indoor lighting and cannot tolerate moisture. When looking for outdoor fixtures, visit your local lighting store and ask for the wet-rated systems.
Size Matters
Outdoor lighting fixtures are often bigger than those used indoors. After all, you have all the space to do it from the outside. However, using extra-large light fixtures will damage the look of your home instead of enhancing it.
One disadvantage of a large outdoor lighting fixture is the blockage of doorways. Although the bigger the fixture, the better, ensure it does not cover more than a quarter of your doorway. Look for medium-sized lighting fixtures for adequate illumination in your compound.
Note the exact measurements of the available space before making any purchase. Fitting fixtures are the best because the chances of physical and electrical damages are significantly reduced. Whether it is the garage area or the front entrance, taking measurements will guide you throughout the shopping and installation exercise.
Color and Style
The same rules used when doing internal lighting fixtures will apply here. The color of the chosen fixture should complement that of the walls and the compound at large. Visit multiple lighting stores and compare the products available.
Outdoor lights come in different sizes, colors, and styles. Always go for styles that complement the overall look of your home.
The market is filled with many outdoor lighting fixture compounds. The energy-efficiency levels should inform the choice you make. LED bulbs are an excellent choice for outdoor lighting due to their low power consumption.
While your home needs outdoor lighting fixtures, there is a limit to it. The positioning of the accessories should be strategic in that it is lighting your compound without inconveniencing your neighbors. Whenever the lighting is too strong and bright, neighbors are likely to complain. Ensure the lighting is low and the positioning is appropriate.
The Essence of the Outdoor Lighting Fixture
It will beat logic when exterior lighting is installed for the sake of it. Which problems do you intend to solve with this exterior lighting system? With this question in mind, the installation will be targeted on necessary spaces. Installing motion-activated fixtures will be a great way to keep an eye on criminals.
Bottom Line
At Premier Lighting, we believe that outdoor lighting is a smart upgrade because it improves the look and feel of your home. Besides the improved visibility, it improves the security of your property even in the late-night hours. Contact us today if you are looking for top-grade outdoor lighting fixtures.