You may have heard the expression “the fabric of life.” This refers to the human threads woven together from life’s experience, which in turn define our personal style. Understanding this leads to designing environments that express and reflect who we are.
How do you begin selecting fabrics to live with every day? How do you know what you want to live with? What mood do you want to create? What energizes you and gives you comfort? You need to answer all these questions before selecting fabrics for your furniture and windows. Your decisions set the tone for the rest of your project. Your floors, your walls, and fabrics all live together in the same space. So select the balance between them carefully.
Next, your senses come into play. Do you want texture? How does it feel to the touch when you’re sitting on it? Does it feel inviting and cozy? How does it look? Fabrics even make sounds when you move them. What about a pattern? Do you like looking at floral or geometric or stripes or solids? Do you have a favorite style? Do you like traditional, contemporary, eclectic or Southwestern? Do the fabrics stimulate your sense of smell and taste?

Color may be the most important decision you make. Many of us have a fairly clear picture of color because we think about it when we buy clothes. The colors we look good in are also the colors we feel good in. So why not surround yourself with those colors that make you look AND feel good?
Practicality enters into your decision, too. You must evaluate the use of the fabric. Will it be used for sitting upon or will it be seen on a window covering? Will the sunlight beat on it or will it be in shade? Always think about where the fabric is being used and the function of the upholstered piece or the window it’s going to cover.
There are a variety of considerations when choosing fabrics. Different types of prints and textures can make a personal statement. If what you like is diverse, find a common thread to bring it all together, such as repeating a color that runs throughout. Color so often is used as the magic wand to create many things in a room, especially continuity and mood. It can make or break a design project. Along with the color on walls and flooring, the color you choose for your fabrics is the most powerful signature in a room.
When I start a new project, I usually begin with the selection of fabric. This is a wonderful way to learn about my client’s taste. As we choose fabrics, I begin to understand the colors, shapes, and textures that please my clients. This sets the tone for the colors and style of the room. It’s important to always see a large sample of the fabric before making a selection. Then picture it as it relates to the entire room – not just the piece on which it is going. Any fabric can be made to work as long as you love looking at it and it makes you feel good.
Don’t be afraid to take a chance if something special appeals to you. Nothing is permanent, and should you tire of a choice, it can be changed. You and your feelings are the main consideration. Remember, rooms have no feelings – you do!
If you need help making design decisions, check out the Color & Design Personal Preference Profile as well as all the design tools at They are all free!