Your Home – Your Preferences

There is no place in the world where you can be more you than in your own home.

Last week I had a conversation with a client about bringing rituals and ceremonies into her home. As we talked, she realized we were actually discussing her preferences. Some of those might be daily rituals but most often they were things she preferred doing. We determined it was about the habits she had established—some daily and some less regular that gave her comfort in her own most personal surroundings.

We discussed that now that she had expressed herself in her environment. She was ready to bond with what she had created. This bonding takes place every day when you look forward to the special things you do for yourself.

Your preferences heighten your enjoyment of your surroundings. What you do can be peaceful and serene and at other times fun and exciting, different places in your home require different design considering the purpose of the space. You decide what your preferences are.

Here are some examples:

  • Sitting in your kitchen in the early hours of the morning before anyone else is awake is a nice way to start the day. You can have your cup of coffee in a special cup and look out on the patio while reading the paper or emails.
  • Taking your daily vitamins in a beautiful crystal goblet or “funky” wine glass is slightly decadent or fun.
  • Having candles around the bathtub is a wonderful way to relax or meditate. I have a glass in my bathroom that only matches my bedroom color (and doesn’t match anything else in the house) which I take to bed and swallow my vitamins that are by my bedside in unique containers.

There is no place in the world where you can be more you than in your own home. Your preferences can be expressed as quietly or boldly as you wish. This is the place to create your sanctuary and your definition of fun. You don’t have to research these areas in magazines or books. All you have to do is ask yourself, merely go inside to find your own answers.

All your senses come into play when creating a personal space. Nurturing yourself promotes healing and well-being and when repeated it becomes natural. There are bonuses to the time and effort devoted to creating personal preferences in your life. When you do your stress level is reduced. Create a true healing environment for yourself by surrounding yourself with some of your favorite things… just look to your senses.

  • Scents—candles, potpourri, essential oils
  • Colors—walls, floors, fabrics, accent pillows
  • Textures—floors, fabrics, carpets
  • Sounds—music, fountains, chimes, doorbells, birds
  • Flavors—bowls of favorite candy, nuts, fruit, or vegetables in selected rooms.

As you make changes in your environment remember this is your sacred space and refuge from the world. Be open to possibilities. Look inside to see what you need. Trust yourself and your choices. It takes a great deal of honesty to get what you need and want. Interior design is a creative process where there is no right or wrong. “If it feels right, it is right!”

Design from your heart and enjoy the outcome.

Remember, rooms have no feelings, you do!”

Barbara Kaplan – Holistically connecting your personal colors for your mind, body, and home.